I've enjoyed today. It's not that anything remarkable has happened, but that I've just done some simple things that I wouldn't have done if I was working, and I've enjoyed them.
I got a few personal admin chores out of the way, then used YouTube to start to learn how to edit GoPro film. After that I headed for my swimming practice, unexpectedly bumped into some friends in the coffee shop and enjoyed an hour or more of chatting, before heading off to a yoga class. And then the day had gone. If I think back a year to when I was working, I wouldn't have done any of these things (other than trying to cram the admin chore into the weekend). I ended the day with a smile on my face - it was what I'd hoped not working would be like. It's been a good day!
I still have things to learn though, like remembering to take a picture to add to my blog - I don't think I'll get away with my drawings very often!