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Does our early retirement Airbnb property make money?

Writer: David @iRetiredYoungDavid @iRetiredYoung

It's been a year since the very first guest checked into our Airbnb property. The anniversary is a good time to look back at how it's gone.

  1. Recap: why we started an Airbnb

  2. How many guests we've had

  3. Who has booked

  4. What's gone right/what's gone wrong

  5. The money

  6. Lessons learned

Airbnb property as part of our early retirement portfolio
Our Airbnb listing

Recap: Why we started our Airbnb

There's a long and a short version, I'll stick with the short. We wanted our own place to stay in when we go to the UK. We could probably afford to leave it empty when we're not using it, but empty sounds like waste, and waste doesn't sit well with me. Converting one of our long term rental properties to a short term Airbnb seemed to be a reasonable solution - we'd use it when in the UK and hopefully rent it when we weren't using it. The longer version includes confusion about where we wanted to live, post Brexit visa requirements, and frequently changing our minds, but I think we'd both lose the will to live if I tried to describe all of that!

How many guests we've had

This was one of the big questions ahead of time, what would our occupancy look like given that our place isn't located in a tourist area or a busy metropolitan city?

Airbnb property in early retirement
How the property has been used

Well, it's exceeded my expectations. Sally and I used the property for 69 days, leaving 296 days that the property could be rented. Of those, we had paying guests for 223 days, a 75% occupancy rate. In reality, it is close to the maximum that it can be as we've set a minimum stay of 4 nights and require a clear day for the changeovers, so any vacant period of five days or less can't actually be booked.

Our Airbnb Bookings Calendar for our first year
Bookings by length of stay

The occupancy has come from 17 separate bookings ranging from 4 nights (the minimum we allow) up to 40 nights. I'm not sure it makes much sense given the wide range of nights per booking, but dividing the total nights booked by the total number of bookings gives an average stay length of 13 nights.

Who has booked

We didn't know who our customers would be, and wondered if there would be a demand at all. My best guess ahead of time were people working temporarily in the area, house sellers/buyers where the move out/move in dates don't match, someone going through a relationship breakup and, to a lesser extent, people coming to visit family.

While our guests don't tell us why they are booking our property, my detective skills mixed with my best guesses are:

  • Visits connected to family or friends have driven the largest number of bookings.

  • We have had people visiting for vacation, something I hadn't expected at all.

  • I believe two bookings have been from people immigrating to the UK.

  • One guest was in the moving house situation, where the move out/move in dates weren't in sync.

There may have been other reasons too, but Sally is the Columbo fan 🤦‍♂️ out of the two of us, so I normally leave the detective work to her.

What's gone right/what's gone wrong

Good news, hardly anything has gone wrong.

On the gone right side of the equation:

  • We've had a good level of bookings.

  • There hasn't been any significant damage caused by guests. The few small things have been manageable.

  • We've lost very few days through cancellations, I think just 10 days during the year.

  • We found a great lady who does the changeovers for us. This is crucial as we are in a different country. We are very lucky!

  • The self check in has worked without any problems.

  • We've had really positive reviews.

  • We've been able to stay in our own house when we've visited the UK.

On the gone wrong side:

  • We had a leak, and water started pouring through the kitchen ceiling. Our guest was great and very understanding, but we also gave her a discount because of the inconvenience.

  • One guest locked themselves out of the house and required a locksmith to gain access.

  • The app for controlling the heating and hot water has disconnected. Fortunately this isn't a big deal as it's during summer, but we need to fix it before autumn.

  • I guess coming down the track are some substantial increases to bills, particularly for energy and gas.

The money

Typically I might say "the's the reason we're doing this", but that isn't the whole story. My initial motivation was for the house not to sit empty and unused - I didn't like that the effort, resources and materials that went into building the house were going partly to waste while it's empty. But it's also true that my early retirement calculations were not based on having money tied up in two homes, so the need/want to get some return was there too.

As a comparison, for the last full year that we used the property as a long term rental it generated £8,905. The Airbnb profit of £6,297 was generated from 296 days of availability (remember we used the property ourselves for 69 days), so if I gross up the profit to a full year basis, it comes to £7,764 (£6,297/296 days x 365 days).

Lessons learned

In reality, the first year of operating the property has gone well. We've achieved the objectives of having our own place to stay when we visit the UK, avoided the property being wasted by being left empty when we're not there, and have generated some income.

  • We've learned that there is a market for an Airbnb property in the town.

  • As we live remote from the property, the changeover person is critical, and we are very lucky to have such a great person doing this for us. I'm nervous that we don't have a robust contingency plan, but I'm not sure what action we can take.

  • I suspect we aren't maximising our income, and think we should target to earn no less than when the property was let to long term tenants. I need to research the pricing of other Airbnb properties in our area, but this isn't necessarily the whole story as I don't know their occupancy rates. Airbnb have a Smart Pricing where Airbnb adjust the price based on various factors including demand - we haven't switched this setting on but I'm tempted to do so within preset upper and lower price limits.


It's been a decent first year. We've achieved our objectives of having our own place to stay in the UK, avoided an unused and therefore wasted house, and generated some income. What this review has taught me is that we should probably be making a better return, so I want to experiment with the pricing, which hopefully won't impact occupancy but will increase income. And we need to keep our changeover lady happy.

An Airbnb property as part of our early retirement portfolio
Some of our guest reviews (click on the image for an enlarged view)




I'm glad this worked out for you. We have a pier we don't use and my husbandwas just complainingabout the cost. I wonder if we could rent out the boat slip....

David @iRetiredYoung
David @iRetiredYoung

I bet you could. I was listening to something yesterday and they were saying that you can rent swimming pools on Airbnb now. I really like the idea of the sharing economy, in that it allows things to get used more fully which should result in less waste.



That's really good! Thanks for sharing. I'd like to do something like that with our duplex eventually. But my wife won't like it. It's additional stress. It looks like if you have a good change over person, it won't be too much trouble.

David @iRetiredYoung
David @iRetiredYoung

Hi Joe, yeah, the changeover person is vital for less stress, and particularly for us as we live in a different country! It's been a good exercise to look at the information, including the financials of course. My instinct was that we'd make a bit more from it than we have, so I'm going to have a play with the pricing, and hopefully not break the occupancy - I suspect it's going to be some trial and error.



Hi David, sounds like it's been a success renting the property out. I am actually in St Neots at the moment, visiting a friend for a few days doing some gravel riding and kayaking, not getting bored in retirement as per your previous blog post :-)

David @iRetiredYoung
David @iRetiredYoung

Hi Dick, glad to hear that you're not getting bored, it certainly sounds like you're keeping busy. I think the Airbnb has gone well for year one, but I want to experiment a little with the price, hopefully without breaking the occupancy!



You do not seem to have factored in the costs to you if you could not use the property for yourself.

David @iRetiredYoung
David @iRetiredYoung

Hi Pam, that's a good point, and one that did cross my mind as I was looking at the figures. In fact, there are many different ways that I could have sliced and diced the numbers. For example, even though we only used the house for 69 days, we need beds to sleep in, a sofa to sit on, crockery and cutlery etc, so there's an argument that I could leave out the furnishing and equipment line as we'd incur this cost with or without the Airbnb. Also, if we didn't have the property set up as we do, then maybe we wouldn't have spent as many as 69 days in the UK, staying instead more in our French apartment,…



I presume that's gross profit, what's the bottom line after tax on income declared? Is it still worth a year of work when you factor that in?

David @iRetiredYoung
David @iRetiredYoung

Yes, it's the profit before tax. I didn't include tax because each persons circumstances will be different and therefore the effective tax rate will vary for different people. From memory, our effective tax rate for UK tax from a few years ago was around 14% so, if it were still at that level, the after tax profit would be £5,390 or USD/EUR 6,252 (helpful that the USD and EUR are at parity these days!).

Assuming we want the house to be available to stay in (so it's not a case of comparing to other investments), then I'd say I definitely haven't put that amount of effort into the Airbnb property - I don't know how many hours, but it would…

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I think I'm a normal kind of guy, although I've perhaps had a slightly non-typical life in some respects.  I'm from the UK, 47 years old, married to Sally and with two

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